
Dimensions: 218×112

Ad placements:
Jobsgopublic – jobsgopublic-newbutton
Social Work Showcase – sws-button


Employer Logo

Insert Job Title


Salary | Location

You will need to change INSERTJOBURL (x2), INSERTIMAGEURL and update the Job Title, Salary and Location.

Also, we now need to edit the job URL to help collect stats.

Here’s the new steps:

  1. Take the URL from the front-end and delete all the rubbish from the end (like you usually do)
  2. Change ‘jobs’ to ‘job’ in the earlier part of the URL
  3. Add /advertising-type at the end, e.g. /skyscraper, /button, /mpu, /fj /leaderboard
  4. Add the ATS tracking ?source=710-jobsgopublic-banner-adverts

Does that make sense? Here’s an example:


with a button would become


Use the image placeholder below when creating logos for buttons.


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