Featured Jobs

Jobsgopublic – 352×50
Social Work Showcase – 435×36

Ad placement:
Jobsgopublic – jobsgopublic-featured-jobs
Social Work Showcase – socialworkshowcase-FJ


Insert Job Title

Insert Organisation Name

You will need to update INSERTJOBURL and add the job title and organisation name in the relevant areas.

Here’s the new steps:

  1. Take the URL from the front-end and delete all the rubbish from the end (like you usually do)
  2. Change ‘jobs’ to ‘job’ in the earlier part of the URL
  3. Add /advertising-type at the end, e.g. /skyscraper, /button, /mpu, /fj /leaderboard
  4. Add the ATS tracking ?source=710-jobsgopublic-banner-adverts

Does that make sense? Here’s an example:


with a button would become



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